Positive Income Affirmations

Image Courtesy of LouiseHay.com

During this time of uncertainty, many of us are feeling lost and down. It’s simpler to just dwell in the fact that we lost our jobs, or got laid off. It hurts the most when I read about many working folks despite working at their job for decades, are let go because of the pandemic.

Many of the small businesses start to appear online as time pass. As a way to adapt and support these small businesses, I start to use my social media platforms to promote them. As I also lost my job of 20 years myself also, I know how it feels. There are times that I worry about the future too. I remember the sadness that flood my mind at that point. However, deep down inside, I believe that I can trust in a higher power. I am a pragmatic person, so I always save for a rainy day as per my mother’s instructions as a child. Then, the government announces that they are giving subsidies to help us.

I am very grateful for all of this. So, despite that fact I am not able to increase my income substantially in monetary ways, I am able to increase my income of “positivity” during this time. By helping out as a volunteer and as a blogger, I am able to make a positive influence online and offline.

Not everything can be bought by money….as per Louise Hay…..Her book reminds me to continue to believe in my positive affirmations, no matter how others criticize me.

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5 thoughts on “Positive Income Affirmations”

  1. Great post! I definitely agree, it’s tough having to have lost our job, but I think we have also gained “richness” in other aspects of our lives like the lessons we learned and our growth. I’m glad you took a positive spin on what’s happening right now 😄

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